The Anywhere People

From now on (I say that now, but who knows if I’ll change my mind again) I’ll be releasing music under the name “The Anywhere People.” I’ll explain the name some other time maybe.

Using a new band name is a chance for a fresh start in some ways. I’ll always have a back catalog of music with all my alter-egos and their many varied sounds and looks. And I can keep writing songs for those characters whenever I want to. But I don’t want to have to do that. I want to free myself up to write whatever kind of song I want to write, because the conceit of an Oulipo-style limitation (such as a specific genre, sound, and character, all set in advance as the boundaries within which a work exists) worked for me for a while but now it feels like a leash. Doing Dim Jim songs or Bramble Childress songs is fine, but the mentality wore itself out in the sense that I would think “I need to write the next Dim Jim record” or something, and then if I couldn’t come up with good Dim Jim songs, I wouldn’t write anything at all.

So the “band” is just a name at this point, under which I will put stuff out in digital (e.g. streaming, CDs) and analog (e.g. cassette, 7” record) formats. But I also will book using this name. This’ll simplify things so I can attempt to function more like a normal musician/band.

I kind of want it to actually be a band, but a loose one, meaning that participation isn’t limited to a strict lineup of people. It’s always The Anywhere People, but the lineup can shrink or expand depending on who’s around at the time of a particular recording or show or string of shows.

The other thing that I’d like to do that would make the band somewhat unique is to include non-musicians as members, and expand the boundaries of what a band even is a little. I mean, a “band” is just a group of people. Why not add some jugglers or mimes or people dressed up like aliens or people in gorilla suits or people who can run cameras and edit film or whatever and include them as members of the band too, and bring them all up on stage for no good reason other than a good time?

Anyway, this album called No Time by The Anywhere People is out now. You can go stream it or buy a digital “copy” on Bandcamp, and if you would like, I’ll make you a CD of it; more on that later too.

And if you’ve ever visited this website, you may notice that I changed up the look a little. That’s just in case if anyone tries to read anything, it won’t be so hard on the eyes. I lament the loss of my beloved ‘90s Geocities look, but then I cross myself and let it go.

A post about how I'm doing

People always ask you how you’re doing. I always lie and say something positive.

I’m alright/Doing well/Fine, thanks/etc. Isn’t this what everyone does? I mean, who’s fine, ever?

If I were to answer truthfully, I'd probably say something like “disordered,” or “dysregulated,” or “unsupported,” or a combination of those things, because that’s how I actually feel. Every day.

Now, there are days when I do feel “fine” or “well” or whatever. Sometimes that feeling will stretch to a week. Sometimes two weeks. But it takes a tremendous effort of nervous system regulation, a monk-like level of self-control via diet, exercise, rest, meditation, therapy, scheduling and routines, and much more (without the aid or accountability of a monastery, other monks, or even reliable, present friends) to achieve that, and it inevitably crashes down like a house of cards, leaving me a mess for extended periods of time: weeks, months. But nobody ever sees it because the people in my life other than my immediate family only see me maybe once a season, if that, and when we do see each other, well I grew up by learning how to mask my thoughts, feelings, desires, mannerisms, facial expressions, etc. with some degree of effectiveness. And if we see each other that seldom, are we really even “in each other’s lives?”

Yes, I’ve been diagnosed and the verdict is that I have a pretty disordered mind. That means they told me I have four disorders: Autism, ADHD, SAD, and Adjustment Disorder with Anxiety. I had to look that one up, and I have to say that it’s a relief to receive diagnoses as it gives me a more clear path on how to heal and hopefully get better somehow.

So I’ve been in therapy. It’s helped me a lot already. Unfortunately though I’ve come to self-diagnose with yet another thing: Complex PTSD. I think some people think of this as “childhood PTSD,” and it has to do with having an “injured nervous system from coming out of a rough family.” Anyway, I’m pretty sure CPTSD well-describes a lot of my feelings and behavioral patterns, so I’m adding it to the list. Isolation, feelings of being utterly alone, even feelings of not being human, are regular states of mind for me and feature into the criteria for CPTSD.

When I was a kid, my parents would fight. And by fight I mean they would have screaming matches and things often got broken and there were multiple threats of divorce. Once when they were having one of these fights I got in the bathtub to feel safe and stop shaking. The hot water and the bubbles were soothing. But when the dust settled, they barged in on me and asked me which parent I would rather go with if they divorced. I’ll never forget it. I was eight years old.

Me in 1985 as an alter boy at St. Mary’s in Greenville, SC. I was in third grade there.

My older brother would beat the shit out of me every time I was alone with him, humiliate me in front of his friends, call me a “faggot” and otherwise degrade me, ever since I could remember. By the time I turned 13, in July of 1990, he’d cut all that shit out—he had been a wild teenager, even getting into fist-fights with our Dad—loud crashes as they wrestled each other against walls and into furniture—Mom and Dad and Danny all screaming at each other, cussing—chaos, entropy—I remember one incident where the big mirror that hung on the wall in the living room fell and broke—I would hide under my bed, shaking like a leaf, not out of fear for myself but fear for them, that they would be seriously hurt or even killed—I imagined I could just jump out a window and run away and that’s how I made myself believe I wasn’t scared for my own physical safety—I guess he had matured a little after having been kicked out and having to get a job and an apartment and all that. That summer he’d returned from working in Tennessee and started taking me out in his old Corvair convertible and getting me burgers and fries and milkshakes and talking to me like an actual human being, as opposed to a piece of shit that he wanted to scrape off his shoe. It finally started to feel like I had a real brother, not just some kid who was six years older and hated me. But then he got in a car wreck that same month that left him in a 5-month coma and permanently and totally disabled.

There’s a lot more than that, and I could go on and on about all these things, but those two patterns of abuse—let’s just call it what it is—are enough to fuck a little kid up pretty good for life.

I’ve never wanted to talk about all this shit for a lot of reasons, but mostly I feel ashamed of all of this, even though not a single thing they did to me was my fault. I don’t know why I’m even writing this now, except that the shit I went through in my volatile home life as a small child has led me to the state of extreme isolation in which I now live.

There are (thankfully) at least a few people to talk to on the phone about some things, but I don’t have a real social support network or a real circle of friends, i.e. people I can rely on to be present for me physically (as in in the same place at the same time) or offer me affection, people I can see more than once or twice a year. I can’t even get anyone to come over for a fucking cookout. It’s not their fault. It’s no one’s fault really, except maybe my family, who raised me this way.

Anyway, I’m fine! How are you?

Notes from the underworld

Sooooo you may know that I’m working on getting some shows again. Part of that is searching the internet for bands I played with before and venues and such, and I’ve come across some amusing tidbits.

For instance, this cover of my song “Bad Luck” by Greenville punk band Scuds, from their 2016 release Bombs Away:


The Free Travelers is a 36 page, 1/2 letter sized black and white zine with a color cover now available from Mink’a Press. Filled with photographs, speculation, gossip, and biographical information about the principle members of the WNC, this “encyclopedia of the Wolf Note Collective” is limited to 100 copies, printed (using on 80lb satin finish paper with a 100lb satin color cover.

The zine is shipping now, so head over to our shop and get your copy.

What I'm Workin On

I’m always workin on about a million different projects all at once. Not literally all at once—I’ve got a bunch of plates spinnin at the same time is what I mean. That way I don’t get bored or burned out on one. I’ll work on something til I get tired of it, then meditate and reset. Clear my mind. Task switching is an obstacle. But more on that later. Maybe.

Once I get near the finish line I get a fever to get there and stay focused on that once thing until it’s done.

Here’s a sample of some things:

  • An album by Sol y Sol called Shadow People, with plenty of synths, guitar skronk, and vocal harmonies, probably about 1/2 done

  • A photo and video series starring Bramble Childress (owing to the fact I left this mustache on my face and I hate to waste natural resources), one music video shot so far

  • Several zines, all writing, artwork, and design complete, but only one printed so far:

    • A2, a chapbook with lyrical photographs and poems to accompany them

    • Harmony for Guitarists, a music theory on chord construction for the musical illiterates among us

    • The Free Travelers, an encyclopedia of the Wolf Note Collective, printed and ready to invade your bookshelf

    • La Espada no. 400, a big 1/2 tabloid size affair with fiction, fictional interviews, a comic, manifestos, and more

  • The Anywhere People, a novel set in Locustville, featurin all the colorful characters that populate that nasty little town, includin the infamous WNC (25,827 words so far, aimin for probably 80k)

  • The Nagual Gem (working title), another novel, this one a straight adventure with swords and sorcery, aliens, monsters, zombies, Timespace travel and more, made up of four standalone sections in varying forms that add up to one giant epic spannin about 15 billion years, (47,042 words so far, probably aimin for 100k)

    • The Birth of Desire, an epic poem, a weird cosmogony and cosmology written in blank verse, shootin for about 3000 lines, 300 of which are written, but probably 2/3 of the whole thing has been plotted out

    • The Pale Things, a 17,000 word zombie sword and sandals novella - complete already

    • The Tragedy of Prince Emrys, an Elizabethan style tragedy set in a fantasy Welsh kingdom, shootin for probably 1800 lines

    • Charlie and Lala (working title), a novel unto itself, tellin the psychedelic adventures of Charlie Gil and Ofelia Hass

  • A cassette release of Dim Jim’s album It’s Him! I’ll play shows (and hopefully sell some of the zines I got printed and some of these old t-shirts I got lyin around) to raise the cash

  • Teenage Hells, old 4 track cassette recordings from way back in the day. I’m going through all my old cassettes and trying to find anything worth listenin to. I’ll remix my earliest album “efforts” and make compilations of whatever’s left that doesn’t make me puke.

  • Visual stuff: practicin and learnin how to paint and draw and occasionally makin collages.

“Grandpa Martinez,” 2022, acrylic on wood

  • Plus: The Sixth Sun, a new full length (48 minute) audio/video album by Sensory Complex, featuring eight improvisational looping guitar instrumentals, all complete and waitin for the opportune moment to unleash it upon the world (or local noise scene, whichever comes first), possibly as another cassette release, assuming I can beg, borrow or steal enough cash to repro the sucker.

When or if any of this shit ever gets finished is anyone’s guess. But I keep workin on it just the same, every spare minute, and keep on keepin on as long as I can. Now leave me a comment down there so I know you seen this!