I don’t think it’s in the cards for me to return to that. But since I have a website, and it has this blog built in, I might as well get some use out of the thing. I’ll use it along with social media and physical media (flyers, stickers, etc) to announce shows and to promote new works. And if I can’t behave myself, may occasionally (very occasionally) vivify these virtual vistas by venting a bit of verdant, viscid, verbiage.
The idea is to go out and perform and share my work out in the world however I can and go see other people’s shows and support them the best I can, and use online stuff (blog, YouTube, Bandcamp, etc) to promote that, and vice versa. Nothing fancy or unusual. Normal things.
I would be very appreciative of your comments or suggestions, here or on my Instagram or Facebook or YouTube channel, when stuff appears in one of these places. Your feedback helps me grow and improve, and hopefully deliver on whatever promise is inherent in the work.
Thank you!